Thursday, March 6, 2008

Many things have happened here since I last wrote you.

Chinese New Year photos

February 24, 2008
Hey All,
Many things have happened here since I last wrote you. We are no longer at our home stay since we have moved into an apartment in Balboa which is right next to the entrance to the canal. We can actually see the old Pan American Bridge just as we walk out our front door. This past week we have begun to start our work here in Panama. We will still meet with our language teacher, but only one time a week depending on our schedule. I feel that the language is going well for us although I could tell I have forgotten some things since we have stopped our daily lessons. That is a little frustrating for me but it just means that I will have to work on it more when I have time.

This past week the Hansen’s, Rachelle, and I worked in an area on the other side of the city with about 12 Chinese kids with ages ranging from 4 to 12. It went very well. Even though it was so exhausting, the time that we had with them was just so wonderful. In this type of camp we go in teaching English and tell a story that is in the Book. With this type of camp we are able to get some kids to come. In contrast, if we were having just a VBS, none of the children would have come. The parents of the kids want them to learn as many languages as possible. Many of the kids know 3 or more different languages. This means that we had to translate the stories 3 or 4 different times to make sure we had everyone covered because some may know one language but not the other. It was a complicated process but eventually everyone heard. The topic of the week was holidays and for each day we had a Book or M story to teach the kids. For most of these kids this is probably the first time that they have ever heard the name of JC or Father. Although they may have seen their Grandma in the back of their home offering incense to a god shelf but that would be their closest connection. I would never imagine that this group of kids could be so clueless about our Father when there are this many Panamanian believers here in this country. It is sad that many of the local leaders of the believers do not care whether or not these people go to heaven or hell. It is not that these kids live in some isolated apartment or out in the middle of nowhere but all of these children live above Mini Supers which are like the local grocery store, that their parents own and run. Please be yarping that the local believers will take an interest in the local Chinese population. This upcoming week we are going back to all of these kids' homes and are going to hand out some tracts dealing with our father and the movie of his death and resurrection. Hopefully there will be a connection made with these people through these things.

We have really been blessed with an individual that called our M’s and asked if she could help us with our ministry here. We will be meeting with her and two other women to talk about some ministry opportunities that we might have with them. Please be yarping with us as we meet with these women to find new ways to connect with the people here. We thank everyone for their support in P for us and we love you all so much.

In Our Father,
Brett Roberts